Malta Medical Index

Support Groups

Support Groups & Agencies:

(The data gets up-dated periodically. Updated information is highlighted.)



ADHD Malta
238, Ta' Ġanni,
Triq il-Ħtajriet,
Mosta MST 3067
T: 77297800

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a term used to describe people who exhibit long-term difficulties that include inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.
  • The ADHD Family Support Group, a non-governmental organisation currently run by a committee composed of several people including people with ADHD. It offers support, information and advice based on personal experience and lends a very sympathetic ear. The Association in no way undertakes to diagnose or medicate.
  • The ADHD Family Support Group meets every second Friday of the month at Ġann Franġisk Abela Upper Secondary School (Junior College) at 6.30 p.m. At these meetings, PSD sessons for children who have been diagnosed with ADHD are organized. One-to-One Coaching for Adults with ADHD is also available through the Group on request.
  • During meetings a 'Speaker' may be invited to talk about a subject relevant to ADHD; alternatively, an open discussion is held to address questions or comments from those present.
  • It is always advisable to check out the Association's website for up-to-date information especially with regards to these meetings.

 Aġenzija Appoġġ


36, St. Luke's Road G'Mangia PTA 1318

T: 22959000

F: 21225354

24-hr Support line: 179



    • APPOĠĠ forms part of the Foundation for Social Welfare Services and has as its ultimate aim the enhancement of the lives of people in need, through the provision and availability of professional care and support. The services within the Agency give priority and focus on children and their families, adults in need, in vulnerable situations and at risk of social exclusion and the community at large thus ensuring that social networks are strengthened and are more equipped in dealing with the real issues that members of our society, especially children and families, are facing, such as domestic violence, child abuse and family problems. For more information kindly visit the agency’s website.


Some of the services offered by Aġenzija APPOĠĠ:

    • Aġenzija APPOĠĠ – Supportline 179

APPOĠĠ Supportline 179 is an essential component within the compendium of social welfare services offered in our country. Its aim has always been that of providing information, assistance, and crisis intervention, together with referrals to other services if needed. Assistance and information can be given in cases of depression, mental health problems, family and marital difficulties, domestic violence and child abuse amongst others.

    • Aġenzija APPOĠĠ - AĊĊESS

Triq San Dwardu, Birgu BRG 9030

T: 2398 5000



The main aim of the centre is to make it easier for the residents of Cottonera and Kalkara to access a number of related services in an integrated manner. Services offered by Aġenzija APPOĠĠ within the AĊĊESS premises include APPOĠĠ Cottonera Community Services and APPOĠĠ Smartkids Family and Childcare Centre.

    • Aġenzija APPOĠĠ Health Services - Mater Dei Hospital

T: 2545 5571


The Social Work Unit offers a holistic service to inpatients of all ages suffering from psychosocial difficulties due to their medical condition and situation. The social workers' role is to assess and attend to the psychosocial needs of the patients, with the aims of enhancing the quality of their stay in hospital and facilitating discharge.

    • Aġenzija APPOĠĠ Health Services - St. Vincent de Paule Residence

Triq L-Imgieret, Luqa

T: 2122 4461/2/3


The Social Work Service at St Vincent de Paule Residence offers residential social work focusing on the social needs of the residents while assuring their well-being. Residents can make use of the service by referring themselves and requesting the intervention of a social worker. Referrals may also be received from professionals working at St. Vincent de Paule such as Consultants, Doctors, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists and Psychiatrists, from relatives/carers, as well as social workers from any other service.

    • Aġenzija APPOĠĠ Health Services - Boffa Hospital

T: 2122 4491, 2122 4581, 2124 5019, 2124 5091


The Social Work Unit at Boffa Hospital in Floriana, works closely with other professions in the holistic care and treatment of service users, and provides on a daily basis the necessary support, as well as to the users' families in their traumatic experience of facing the illnesses of their loved ones be it oncological, neurological, dermatological or other.

    • Aġenzija APPOĠĠ Health Services - Qormi Health Centre

T: 2148 4450/3


This social work service offers a comprehensive package of psycho-social care to service users suffering from mental health difficulties who reside in Żebbuġ, Siġġiewi and Qormi, so as to enhance their quality of life. Beneficiaries of this service include service users at a high risk of mental health difficulties, the physically ill, people with alcohol and drug problems, the elderly, the bereaved, mothers of newly born infants and persons suffering domestic violence, neglected and abused children, carers of the elderly and children with a disability, separated families, single parent families and the unemployed.

Aġenzija SAPPORT

Block A, Town Centre, Triq ir-Reġimenti, Mtarfa MTF 1540
T: 2145 1862
F: 2145 3164


    • Aġenzija SAPPORT within the Foundation for Social Welfare Services has the main aim of providing community and residential services to persons with a disability, and their families. SAPPORT works with persons with a disability and their families to secure the means, opportunities and services whereby they can execute their right to fully participate in community life. The main services offered by this Agency include Social Work services, Residential services, Community Services and Resource Services. For more information kindly visit the agency’s website.

Some of the useful services offered by Aġenzija SAPPORT:

    • Aġenzija SAPPORT Social Work Unit

Ċentru Ħidma Soċjali, Braille Street, Sta Venera, SVR 1690
T: 2144 2121; 2144 1273
F: 2145 3164

Social Work Services work with persons having a disability and their families/carers to deal with their social problems in an effective way. It responds to all service requests and plans to meet the desired objectives of the client and his/her family/carer through assessment, short-term and/or long-term interventions.

    • Day Centres for Persons with a Disability

3, Braille Street, Sta. Venera, SVR 1690
T: 2388 5000; 2144 1014
F: 2144 1029

Day Centres for Persons with a Disability aim to help persons with a disability to continue developing their potential through different types of activities while at the same time supporting their families so that such persons can continue living within the community without being socially isolated, thus empowering them to live independently.

Aġenzija Sedqa

Agency Against Drug and Alcohol Abuse

5, Braille Street Sta. Venera SVR 1690

T: 2144 1014

F: 2144 1029

24-hr Helpline: 151

    • Aġenzija  Sedqa, as part of the Foundation for Social Welfare Services, is made up of Care and Prevention Services. Each service contributes in a specific manner to the issue of substance abuse.

Some of the services offered by Aġenzija  Sedqa:

    • Aġenzija Sedqa - Drugs Community Services

4, Braille Street, Santa Venera, SVR 1690
T: 2144 1014
F: 2144 1029
24- hr Helpline: 151

The Drugs Community Services offer individualised support to drug users and their significant others with the aim of motivating individuals to commit themselves to major lifestyle changes and assisting them in achieving and maintaining abstinence from drugs. This is mainly done through one-to-one counselling sessions that aim to enable a healthier lifestyle. Other services offered by this Team include assessment, harm reduction, crisis intervention, support to families and significant others, assistance at the Law Courts, advocacy, aftercare and social re-integration, social work interventions and preparation of those individuals who choose to do a residential rehabilitation programme.

    • Aġenzija Sedqa - Alcohol Community Services

4, Braille Street, Santa Venera, SVR 1690
T: 2144 1014
F: 2144 1029
24- hr Helpline: 151


The Alcohol Community Services provide personalised services to individuals and their significant others who are experiencing some form of alcohol-related problems and gambling related problems. The services offered consist of a help-line, information and advice, intake and assessment of new clients with an alcohol-related problem, outreach, crisis intervention, support counselling to clients and family members, advocacy and the provision of an aftercare service, and social re-integration to clients who have successfully undergone a treatment programme. Such services are delivered both through home visits and office-based intervention.

    • Aġenzija Sedqa - Teen Support Services

4, Braille Street, Santa Venera, SVR 1690
T: 2144 1014
F: 2144 1029
24- hr Helpline: 151

This service aims to identify young persons at high risk of misusing substances or those who already started experimenting with substances. It offers its services through individual sessions to adolescents who would still be in an experimenting stage and their significant others, who seek  Sedqa's help through the helpline or drop-in services. Teen Support Services also reach students in secondary schools. This consists in an outreach activity where  Sedqa staff gets in touch with young people who are in a high risk, before the problem gets too complex.

    • Aġenzija Sedqa - Primary Prevention Services

5, Braille Street, Santa Venera, SVR 1690
2144 1014
F: 2144 1029
24- hr Helpline: 151


The work of the Primary Prevention Services aims to avert substance misuse prior to signs or symptoms to problems by working with the educational system, the community and the place of work. By conducting interventions in these various areas the Division endeavours to reach a wide audience. Education and the provision of information are fundamental in the primary prevention process.

    • Aġenzija Sedqa – Detox Centre

St. Luke's Hospital, G'Mangia
T: 2388 5300
F: 2125 1161
24- hr Helpline: 151

This programme aims to engage individuals with a substance misuse problem in low threshold interventions whereby basic medical, social and psychological needs are assessed and the necessary assistance provided. An integral part of this service is harm minimization and medical treatment to individuals with a substance misuse problem. Prior referral by the Drugs Community Team or Caritas is necessary.

Alcoholics Anonymous

PO Box 418, Valletta


Support Lines: 27335786 (Anthony); 27345503 (Vivian)


    • Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

    • The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions.

    • AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorsed not opposes any causes.

    • Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

Al-Anon Family Groups Malta & Gozo

(Help for families and friends of alcoholics)

Po Box 276, Valletta

T: 27335786; 21370888

    • The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics.

    • Al-Anon is self-supporting through its own voluntary contribution and has but one purpose, which is to help families of alcoholics and to give understanding and encouragement to the alcoholic.

Art Therapy Service

Student Services, Art Therapy Section, Sarria Street Floriana

T: 21233698; 21252866

Contact: Ms Mary Aquilina

    • The provision of help for individuals, who experience psychological needs, and the discovery of hidden aspects to decide where help is needed.

Association for Solidarity with Persons with Special Needs

c/o 111 Main Street Siggiewi

T: 21468440

Contact: Ms Gloria Callus


Association of Breastfeeding Counsellors

The Malta Breastfeeding Centre

21, ‘Dar Ta` Kana’, The Mall. Floriana

T: 21238942; 31003360; 21371700

M: 79910135


Contact: Mrs Christine Borg

    • To protect the right of the child to an optimal start in life and to encourage the mother's right achieve it.

Autism Focus Group
Sub-comittee NPSPD
T: 21 419679

M: 9942 7839


Contact: Ms Sandra Borg (Coordinator)

    • Support and Empowerment for parents or carers of persons within the Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

The Breast Care Support Group Europa Donna Malta

Templars, 28 Alessandro Curmi Street, Tal-Virtu, RBT 2653
T: 21414849; Jackie: 21455472; Gertrude: 21482602

    • To support women going through the trauma of Breast Cancer

    • To raise awareness about Breast Cancer among the Maltese and Gozitan population.

    • Providing support at monthly meetings in both Malta and Gozo

    • Organising activities for women diagnosed with Breast Cancer

    • Providing practical information for newly diagnosed women

    • Providing information on breast self-examination, on the website and in a free illustrated booklet available in English or Maltese

    • Giving talks at schools, factories, offices, etc. on request, to encourage women to be breast aware

    • Affiliated with Europa Donna, a coalition of European Breast Cancer associations

The Malta Cancer Foundation
T: 2298 7163

F: 2298 7185

    • To improve the quality of life of patients and relatives effected by cancer by:

    • Raising funds for the provision of equipment and other facilities related to all aspects of cancer management

    • Undertaking initiatives for cancer education, co-operating with all health care groups

    • Establishing links with similar societies/ foundations abroad

    • Seeking to locally improve expertise by assisting, organizing and subsidizing cancer related health care programmes

    • Establish more effective cancer prevention

Caritas Malta

Click for details on Caritas Services

5, Lion Street Floriana

T: 21245358; 21233933; 25906600; 21246374



Caritas Malta Epilepsy Association

5, Lion Street Floriana

T: 21233933; 21245358; 21246374


Contact: Josette Vassallo


Caritas Malta Epilepsy Association

T: 21329028-45



Contact: Dr. Janet Mifsud


Caritas Malta Thursday Club (mental health aftercare)

5, Lion Street Floriana

T: 25906600 Ext 644; 21246374



Contact: Sr. Rita Zammit Pace, Mr Damian Spiteri, Ms Pamela Kerr

    • To offer help for the persons trying to reintegrate into society. The activities consist mainly of teaching social skills and social activities.

Caritas Malta Thursday Club (mental health aftercare)

5, Lion Street Floriana

M: 79424518


Coeliac Association Malta

Lamut, 60 Fuq il-Ġonna Swieqi SWQ 3526

T: 21370778; 21675400 (secretary)

M: 79370778

Contact: Mary Rose Caruana (chairperson); Connie Debattista

    • A a voluntary self-help organisation for people with Coeliac Disease or Dermatitis Herpetiformis.

    • Founded in 1989 by Coeliacs themselves to promote the welfare of Coeliacs in Malta.

    • Offers ongoing support and advice to members and their families and

    • Provides dietary guidelines to improve the quality of life for the Coeliac.

    • The Coeliac Association of Malta is a member of The Association of European Coeliac Societies - A.O.E.C.S.

Commission on Domestic Violence

c/o Ministry for the Family & Social Solidarity

Palazzo Ferreria 310 Republic Street Valletta

T: 2590 3387

Contact: Doris Vassallo

    • The Commission on Domestic Violence is not a complaints mechanism

The Daniel Delicata Memorial Association
Gloriana, Triq il-Miġbed, Swieqi
T: 21 380 359; 21 388 242;
M: 7949 6960; 7940 8346
F: 21 388 242


President: Steven Delicata

    • to improve the quality of life for sick children inspired by the plight of young children who need to spend time in one of the paediatric wards in Malta’s state hospitals

    • to purchase and provide items of entertainment, activity and comfort which sick children need aside from the good medical care and attention they are given

Dar il-Providenza

Triq Lapsi Siġġiewi

T: 21462844; 21464915; 21467925



Contact: John Micallef


Fondazzjoni Wens
The Strand
Kalkara KKR1501.
Administrator: Ronald Galea
T: 21696825
M: 79537002

    • The Foundation offers residential and respite care services for intellectually disabled persons.

Dar Pirotta
26 Pjazza Sant’ Elena
B’kara. BKR2073
Director: Fr.Charles Abela
Administrator: Ronald Galea
T: 21492882
M: 79537002

    • Residential home for persons with disabilities.

Disabled by Accident Group

c/o P.O. Box 16 Msida

T: 21238226


Contact: Mr Philip Agius

    • To support persons after an accident

Dyslexia Association (Malta)

c/o 'Stoke' San Pawl tat-Tarġa Naxxar

T: 21413305; 21413674

Contact: Ms Marchesa Cassar Desain


Dyslexia Association (Malta)

c/o 5, Triq l-Ispiera, Swieqi

M: 79374310

Contact: Anna Maria Baldacchino


Endo(metriosis) Support (Malta)

M: 79068840



Equal Partners Foundation

52, Market Street Floriana

T: 21250400


Contact: Mr Colin Galea


Fondazzjoni Għas-Servizzi ta' Respite Care - Dar il-Kaptan

Rotary Drive Triq Dar il-Kaptan Mtarfa

T: 21450103-4; 21450413



Contact: Ms. Natasha Cefai


Foundation for Social Welfare Services

(Fondazzjoni għal Servizzi ta’ Ħarsien Soċjali)

Head Office for Aġenzija  Sedqa, Aġenzija APPOĠĠ, Aġenzija SAPPORT.

2, Braille Street, Santa Venera, SVR 1690

T: 2144 1014; 2388 5000

Secretariat: 2388 5113

F: 2144 1029





    • The Foundation for Social Welfare Services (FSWS) incorporates the three main agencies within the Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity that offer comprehensive programmes of prevention, support and treatment services, both on community and residential settings within the fields of substance abuse, children/family services and disability.

For further details see entry of each individual agency.


Foundation for the Development of Maltese Sign Language

c/o L-Istitut tal-Lingwistika l-Universita ta' Malta Msida

T: 23402428; 23402151

T: 23402428 (Text phone)


Contact: Dr Marie Alexander

    • To support the development of Maltese Sign Language mainly through teaching and research.

Gamblers Anonymous

Caritas, 5/6 Lion Street Floriana

T: 21233933


Għaqda Ħbieb ta' l-isptar Monte Karmeli

c/o Sptar Monte Karmeli, Triq L-iMdina Attard

T: 21415183

Contact: Holger Saliba


Għaqda Nazzjonali Ġenituri ta' Persuni b'Diżabilità

215, "Marlboro" Misraħ il-Barrieri St. Venera

T: 21246163; 21523262

Contact: Marchita; Pamela


Gift of Life Foundation

20, Trejqet il-Barrieri Mosta

T: 21320492
M: 79702481

Contact: Mr Paul Vincenti

    • A group of lay voluntary professionals who share a common concern about the issue of abortion and more recently for the protection of the embryo. Our primary aim is to peacefully campaign against any possibility of abortion being legalised in Malta. We also offer information and support to girls and women who may be in a crisis pregnancy situation and beyond.

Guidance Unit - Dept of Education

1, St. Publius Street, Floriana

T: 21237906; 21246836; 21246212, 21243837

Contact: Mr Peter Paul Buttigieg

    • The provision of an on-going service leading to the holistic development of pupils and students.

Health Promotion Dept.

5A, The Emporium, St. Louis Street Msida

T: 23266000; 21245524;23266114




Huntington Self Support Group Malta
Caritas, 4 Lion Street
M: 99493267


Ir-Razzett tal-Ħbiberija
Żinżell Street Marsascala
T: 21636526; 21636525
W: www.razzett.or
Contact: Mr Nathan Farrugia


1. Physical Disability Dept.
Ms Lidwina Schembri Wismayer
Head of Physical Disability
T: 21636526 ext.20

2. Intellectual Disability Dept.
Dr Mohamed Salem MB BCh (Hons) PG Dip (Ger) MSc (PH Med)
Head of Intellectual Disability
T: 21636526 ext.18

3. General Management
Mr Mark Sultana
T: 21636526 ext.27

Kummisjoni Ħidma Għall-Morda u Persuni b'Diżabilità

Istitut Kattoliku Floriana

T: 21237031, 21222239; 21230829

Contact: Mr Paul Mifsud

    • To offer spiritual and material help to the sick, persons with disabilities and their families.

Kunsill Malti tal-Persuni b'Dizabilità

c/o Ċentru Ħidma Soċjali Triq il-Kbira San Gużepp St Venera

T: 21330944 (Ans.Mach)
Contact: Mr Charles Borg


Lupus Support Group Malta

St Paul's Garden, Ix-Xwieki, l/o Għargħur, GĦR 1815

T: 21370234; 21311310

F: 21377402

Down Syndrome Association Malta
South Street Valletta
T: 21235158


  • To encourage people with Down syndrome to fulfill their potential for successful and happy lives, in a society that knows their abilities and is supportive of their needs.

  • To contact parents of newly born babies with Down Syndrome as early as possible and to provide counselling and support particularly in the early stages of a baby's life.

  • To represent the interests and needs of people with Down syndrome in all aspects of life and individuals needs, as members of the family and the community.

  • To increase public awareness and understanding of the nature of Down Syndrome people so they may lead a rewarding and full life.

  • To press for better services and greater choice in the facilities offered to children and adults with Down Syndrome, such as education, therapy, training and independent living.

  • To support professionals in their work and research of Down Syndrome.

Malta Dementia Society
Room 135, Dept. of Pharmacy, University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080
T: 2340-2905
Contact persons: Dr Charles Scerri (General Secretary); Dr Stephen Abela (Chairperson)

    • a local non-governmental, non-profit organisation with the aim of increasing knowledge and awareness on dementia care in Malta

    • to encourage and promote the best methods of care, education and treatment of persons with dementia and related disorders generally throughout the Maltese islands but also elsewhere

Malta Federation of Organisations Persons with Disability

P.O. Box 31 Valletta CMR 01

T: 21451702

Contact: Mr Olav Attard


Malta Society of the Blind

81 Brighella Street, St Venera

Contact: Mr Frans Tirchett

Malta Wheelchair DanceSport Association

My Promise'  23 St. George's Street Paola

T: 21370628; 21524718
M: 99864110; 79728374

Contact: Pippa Roberts; Steven Fenech


Maltese Diabetes Association

British Legion Premises, 111, Melita Street, Valletta

T: 21221518
M: 99429499; 79049245


Monday Club For the Mentally Handicapped

'Flamingo'  21 Triq Guze Flores Mellieha

T: 21520482

Contact: Pippa Vella

Monday get together with activities


Moviment Favur id-Drittijiet ta' Persuni B'Diżabilità

P.O. Box 26 B'Kara

T: 21650498; 21448570

Contact: Mrs. Marthese Mugliette 

    • To act as a pressure group and to do advocacy work with any person with disability or with their families

Multiple Sclerosis Society of Malta

P.O.  Box 63 B'Kara BKR 1000

T: 21416206; 21496352 (Rose Grech - Secretary)



Contact: Ms Louise Gusman (President)

    •  To be a  focal point for people with Multiple Sclerosis and their families;

    • To provide updated medical information about the condition;

    • To provide persons with Multiple Sclerosis with an environment where they can meet and share experiences;

    • To provide medical and other services to people with Multiple Sclerosis.

Muscular Dystrophy Group of Malta

4, Gzira Road Gzira

T: 21346688; 21318024


Naroctics Anonymous

Millenium Chapel St.Julians

Occupational Health and Safety Unit

17, Triq Edgar Ferro Pieta'

21247677; 21247678; 21232909
Emergency: 99496786


Order of Charity, Raoul Follereau Foundation

Istitut Kattoliku Floriana

T: 21222543; 21220534

Contact: Mr. G. Spiteri; L. Azzopardi

    • To promote public awareness in favour of leproses sufferers of the world.  The order also helps these people financially 

Physically Handicapped Rehabilitation Fund

Corradino Hill Paola

T: 21693863; 21692221

Contact: Mr Albert Bonnici

    • Training of physical disabled people.

Psoriasis Association Malta

T: 21437606; 21416288; 21437606

Contact: Ms Lucienne Tabone


The Puttinu Cares Children's Cancer Support Group

Rainbow Ward, Mater Dei Hospital

T: 2545 4910

Contacts: Dr. Victor Calvagna; Rennie Zerafa

Richmond Foundation

424, St Joseph High Street, St Venera, SVR 1013

T: 21482336; 21224580


Contact: Ms Dolores Gauci
    • Mission Statement:

      Richmond Foundation is committed to provide optimal community mental health services that address the promotion, prevention and care for good quality of life.

    • Values:

      Richmond Foundation conducts its operations according to the following values: respect, dignity, empowerment, accountability and reliability.


      The Services offered by Richmond Foundation are:

      • Villa Chelsea (rehabilitation facility)

      • Home Support Service (support at client’s homes)

      • Supportive Housing Scheme (housing with support)

      • Supported Employment Programme (assistance in finding and keeping a job)

      • Staff & Organisation Support Programme (provides organisations and their employees with support for managing stress at the work place)

      • Self-Help Groups (support for persons with mental health problems and for family members)

      • Richmond Hostel (supervised accommodation for males with mental health problems)

      • ‘Never Mind’ Leisure Centre (for persons at risk of social exclusion)

      • Kids in Development (K.I.Ds) (a residential programme for children with challenging behavior)

      • Community Learning and Training Centre (C.T.L.C.) (aimed at teaching I.T. skills)

      • Awareness raising and promotion of mental health (radio and television programmes, articles, talks and seminars)

Special Rescue Group

c/o 369, Triq il-Fortizza Pembroke

T: 21388919; 25401046

Step By Step Foundation

4B, School Street Hamrun

M: 99478248

T: 25401046


The Malta Hospice Movement

39, Good Shepherd Avenue Balzan

T: 21440085-6; 21484769

Contact: Mrs. Antoinette Shah

    • The Malta Hospice Movement is a voluntary organization inspired by Christian values, which exists:

    • to provide and promote the highest possible standards of Palliative Care for people with cancer or motor neurone disease,

    • to improve patients' quality of life

    • to help and support their families

    • The movement holds Support Groups for Bereaved relatives of Cancer & Motor Neurone Disease patients for both adults and children.

Transplant Support Group (Malta)

c/o 28 `Highbury`, Lord Byron Street, Hamrun

T: 21223026; 21826718; 21696383

M: 79478452



Group President: Alfred Debattista

    • The Transplant Support Group is a non-profit making NGO set up in May 2000

    • to be of service to organ and tissue transplantees and prospective ones

    • to honour the memory of our deceased donors

    • to encourage the registration of more people as prospective organ donors.

Fibromyalgia Support Group

PO Box 9970, The Times Valletta

Contact: Ms Rosanne Caruana


Gozo / Għawdex

ARKA Foundation

Dar Arka, Mogħdija Street,
Għajnsielem, Gozo

T: 21565773; 2155 0596
F: 2156 5774
E: arka@


Director: Mons Emmanuel Curmi
Manager: Mr Joe Cremona (Volunteer)
    • Arka Foundation is a NGO for Persons with Special Needs incorporating a Respite Centre for such persons on permanent and short stays.

Benniena t'Imħabba (Tfal Addottati)


Kartoll Street,
Xagħra, Gozo

T: 21550001

Caritas Parroċċa Nadur
Parish Office,
26th April 1688 Square,
Nadur, Gozo

T: 2155 1649

Dar għat-Tfajliet Ommijiet
c/o Ġużeppa Debono House,
Lourdes Street,
Mġarr, Gozo
T: 2155 2595

Dar San Gużepp

Day Centre għall-Anzjani

Mġarr Road, Għajnsielem

T: 2155 6439

Contact: Fr George Cordina


Dar tal-Kleru
Parroċċa San Ġorġ
St. George Parish Center,
Victoria, Gozo
T: 2155 6377

Eden Foundation
Ramon Perellos Street,
Għajnsielem, Gozo
T: 2155 8941

Emigrants Commission
12, Pompei Street,
Victoria, Gozo
T: 2155 6210

Family and Social Action Group
Cathedral Parish Office,
Victoria, Gozo
T: 2155 4101

Friends of Dar Karolina
c/o Lourdes House,
Mġarr, Gozo
T: 2155 6537

The Friends of the Sick and the Elderly in Gozo

(Ħbieb tal-Morda u tal-Anzjani f'Għawdex)
'Pace', 17, Pjazza San Franġisk,
Victoria, Gozo
T: 2155 3336
F: 2155 8614

Gozitan Disability Group
Mġarr Road,
Għajnsielem, Gozo
T: 2155 1211

Gozitan Missionary Group
64, Ramla Street,
Nadur, Gozo
T: 2155 3242

Gozo Association for the Deaf


Salvu Gambin Street,

Għasri, Gozo


St Dominic Street

Victoria Gozo

T: 2155 6382; 2155 0020
Contact: Ms Carmen Grech
Gozo Juvenile Diabetes Association
Francesca, Foreman Street,
Victoria, Gozo
T: 2155 8795

Group for the Blind
c/o 64, Ramla Street,
Nadur, Gozo
T: 2155 3242

Little Flower Day Centre
Bishop Conservatory,
Victoria, Gozo
T: 2156 0277

Lourdes Home
Lourdes Street,
Għajnsielem, Gozo
T: 2155 6537

Malta Red Cross Society - Gozo Branch
Room 6, University of Malta at Gozo Centre,
Mġarr Road,
Xewkija, Gozo
T: 2155 0604

Missionary Movement 'Ġesu' fil-Proxxmu'
103, Charity Street,
Victoria, Gozo
T: 2155 6453

Missionary Support Center
Ashram, Munxar Road,
Munxar, Gozo
T: 2155 5709

Munxar Social Movement
Parish Centre,
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Street,
Munxar, Gozo
T: 2156 0845

OASI Foundation (Anti-drug Solidarity & Initiative)
5, Sara Valley Street,
Victoria, Gozo
T: 2156 3333; 21561196

Social Action Movement
Pompei Street,
Victoria, Gozo

St. John's Ambulance Brigade
Serena Court, Barda Street,
Marsalforn, Gozo

Ta' Kana Movement
Family Institute,
Fortunato Mizzi Street,
Victoria, Gozo
T: 2155 6513

The Helping Hands Group
P.O. Box 25,
Victoria, Gozo
T: 2155 1582

Tobit Foundation
Ciangura Street,
San Lawrenz, Gozo
T: 2155 6073


Important Notice:_____________________________

The competence and professionalism of any of these agencies or groups have not been authenticated.

I cannot be held liable for any action taken or advice given by any of these agencies or groups.

The details presented here are merely for information only.

It is up to the user to assess and monitor the services these groups or agencies offer.

If there is any doubt or concern about any of the agencies or groups listed on this website, please inform the Health Authorities and the Police and contact me immediately so that I too can investigate the matter.

If it turns out that these doubts or concerns are justified, the respective entry will be deleted.

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